Sivers Companies

Property Management

D.W. Sivers Co 4730 S Macadam Ave #101 Portland OR 97239-6417 (503)223-2680

Historically, DW Sivers Company has maintained ownership of the majority of the buildings the company developed, leasing space to outside industrial, retail and office entities. With decades of experience in property management, the team learned first-hand the importance of strong business relationships and tenant satisfaction. The Sivers team prides themselves on offering tenants local, personalized management that is responsive to their needs and concerns.

DW Sivers success in long-term property management is in part due to the in-house resources of Sivers Construction, which brings expertise in flexible design, quality construction and long-term maintenance. If a building need cannot be addressed in house, DW Sivers Companies long-term, quality business relationships mean the right service-provider can be found cost effectively and promptly.